Talking Point: Microblogging

5 Conversations

One of them new-fangled gramophone thingymajigs.

Microblogging. What exactly is it and is it any good? We try to be cutting edge on h2g2 but having had a look at the site you might think we could try a bit harder. A lot harder. We're more sort of blunt edge at the minute. Joking aside though, we all know h2g2 is a truly brilliant community, sharing knowledge and learning new things under the watchful spirit of Douglas Adams, a force for good! But would things like microblogging applications or any other new technologies help the community thrive more?

  • Are you a Twitter user? (If you are does this make you a Twit? Or a Twitterer?) What value does it have? Is there any way it might help the h2g2 Community?

  • Could you explain Twitter for those that don't know anything about it?

  • What would you expect from an h2g2 Twitter feed?

  • What other microblogging applications do you use, if any?

  • We have an h2g2 Facebook page - is this a good idea or not? Could we put it to some use or can do everything we need to do here?

  • But would the community benefit from using newer micro blogging technologies? Is there any way we could use stuff like this in connection with h2g2?

  • Do you already make use of things like Yonkly or Sweeter which are apparently similar applications to Twitter?

  • Are there any more things you'd like to play with, applications etc? What other applications might be of use to the site?

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