Tourist Guide to Lake Powell

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Are you thinking of going to Lake Powell? Having a tough time deciding where to spend a vacation? Don't have the slightest interest in lakes, boats, or anything? Whatever the case, I have put together this guide on Lake Powell for anyone who cares to read it. This is not only a guide FOR tourists, but also ABOUT tourists.

Lake Powell is rapidly becoming a popular tourist destination in the southwestern United States. It is located in the southern part of Utah, and partially in Arizona. Circa 1956, Glen Canyon was transformed into Lake Powell on account of the presence of a newly placed dam on the Colorado River.

Since then, Lake Powell has slowly and steadily increased in popularity as a tourist destination for various forms of outdoorsiness, whether it be waterskiing, boating, hiking, swimming, or sunbathing. The most prominent, and arguably most enjoyable, activity in which to partake at the lake is houseboating.

If one chooses to houseboat on Lake Powell, he typically calls on a few long-time friends to share the upward-spiraling costs of houseboat rental, now in the range of US$2000 - $4000 for the generic rentals. Or, if he is extremely optimistic, unlucky, and foolish, he may have stumbled his way into a timeshare (which are very difficult to find one's way out of). If one has access to a great amount of wealth, he may even purchase a houseboat of his own.

Regardless of the method of securing a houseboat, the time soon arrives for the tourist to head out to Lake Powell. Unless one is incredibly fortunate (and incredibly boring) so as to live in the single nearby town of Page, he will likely have to journey a sizeable distance to Lake Powell, most likely by means of an internal combustion engine propelled vehicle. Inside the vehicle are transported typically a family, along with an outrageous amount of luggage and supplies, which is greatest on the first trips one makes to the area. Most likely, there are multiple objects tied onto the top of the vehicle, or pulled behind it. This heavy load diminishes gasoline mileage considerably. Lake Powell visitors are notorious for overpacking.

Assuming one makes it all the way to Lake Powell (10+ hours from a popular tourist origin, Los Angeles -- not including potty breaks and a stop in Las Vegas), the great day of houseboat rental comes. On that day, typically (but not always) the males proceed to secure the houseboat, while the females proceed to secure food for the week (unless they were so foolish, inexperienced, or cheap as to pack groceries in the car for the entire drive). After an enormously long wait for paperwork, the boat is ready to leave -- after an hour-long how-to-drive-a-boat lesson, that is.

After tediously shuttling all luggage, groceries, supplies, etc. down a hill to the houseboat, the vacation begins! (phew!) A houseboat departs from one of four marinas on the lake. The most popular marina, Wahweap, is surrounded by a lodge, motel, enormous boat parking area, and small but decent-sized town. Bullfrog is the second most popular origin, and is reasonably more secluded (no town, not as many boats). Halls Crossing is a hop, skip, and a jump away from Bullfrog, and may not even rent out boats any more. The extremely adventurous, uneducated, strange, and privacy-seeking will launch out of Hite marina. Hite consists of a parking lot, administrative trailer, marina with 10 boat parking slots, and convenience store, and nothing else for about 100 miles. The future of Hite's rental services is highly questionable.

Thus begins a week, typically, of fun on the lake. The boat is taken out and driven for a few hours, at which time a suitable beach is hopefully found at which to spend the night. At this time, the houseboat driver engages the boat engines at full blast and rams the houseboat up onto the beach, while all aboard brace themselves for impact and secure loose dishes. Often, a speedboat will visit the beach first to make sure it is suitable. Boaters should take special note to assure that the beach is in fact composed of sand, not rock. After beaching the boat, anchors are implanted and buried in the sand on the beach.

Due to the increasing amount of tourists, one's chance of being forced to share a beach with other vacationers increases proportionally. In recent years, boaters have been known to search for a beach at an outrageously early time, on account of the sad fact that most of them are taken. Neighbors are unpredictable. Some will be polite and unintrusive, while others will insist on setting off fireworks, playing stereos full-blast, and riding waverunners dangerously close to swimmers. The situation is worsened by the current high water level, due to which the majority of previously desireable beaches now lie under a good thirty feet of water.

After beaching, the boaters are free to do with their free time as they wish. The more adventurous types will likely go hiking or skiing, while others may just swim, sit on the beach, or read. The scenery is fantastic, and despite the ever-growing presence of boats, it is relatively secluded. The night sky is darker and clearer than anything that the run of the mill city-dweller has ever imagined... a boon for astronomers (though a telescope is a hassle to bring). Countless hours can be spent staring at the sky watching for shooting stars.

Following a good night sleep (preferably outdoors, on top of the boat), a pressing decision needs to be made... will the houseboat remain at the same beach for an additional day, or will the vacationers pull up anchor and search for something different, better, or more secluded (always at the risk of coming up dry, no pun intended).

The abduction and consumption of unwitting sea life is extremely popular on Lake Powell as well. Often, leftover blocks of Cheddar can outperform the most expensive of lures in attracting marine life. Along with the numerous tasty species, carp about as well, especially near docks. One can never derive too much enjoyment feeding ice cream to the carp and watching it re-emerge from their gills. A lucky visitor may spot a fox or a field mouse, and the mating call of frogs can occasionally be heard in the distance.

The lake is full of canyons to explore, advisably with a small boat. At each corner, the skipper must decide if the passage is wide enough for the dinky craft to fit through, only to find an enormous houseboat that somehow found its way to squeeze and shimmy in a few hours earlier. One should beware of driftwood in the far reaches of canyons, which can administer a nasty dent in one's boat propellor.

What first trip to Lake Powell would be complete without a trek up to the world's largest free-standing natural bridge? Rainbow Bridge National Monument is a sight to see, and is much easier to access with the current high water level. A simple 10 minute hike takes the visitor near the base of the rock formation, at which tourists are subconsciously compelled to take photographs.

One must not forget the other many joys of Lake Powell. The unwary first-timer may have an unexpected flooding of the boat if he steers too near a passing tour boat, whose wakes seem to rival ocean swells. A near miss with such wakes is sure to set a few chairs, sandals, or inflatables free to do as they please out in the open channel. Insects are numerous on the lake, especially in backwater areas. Where there are insects, there are bats, although many enjoy watching them (and fooling with their radar). Enormous wasp-beast insects are often found and can scare living daylights out of most younger visitors. Snakes are supposedly present, yet rarely seen. The septic system must be periodically emptied at designated stations, unless one has devised an inventive method to use the toilet without filling it up. Fresh water must be refilled periodically. Lake water can be used in the shower and sinks, after which it is redeposited into the lake underneath the boat. For this reason, it is advisable to not spend too much time at any one location.

Weather at Lake Powell in the summer is generally extremely pleasant. Local weather reports often warn of thunderstorms, but the claims are usually unfounded. If a thunderstorm happens to come your way, batten down the hatches, and prepare for a wild ride. One must hope that his anchors are tightly secured, lest the high winds blow the houseboat out into the open channel. Any unsecured items during a storm may as well be considered on vacation, using the definition given Forrest Gump by his mother. It is unadviseable for a person to stand outside during a thunderstorm, unless he derives joy from recreating the historical meteorological experiment of Benjamin Franklin.

After a week of fun, relaxation, and adventure, the houseboat returns to the marina, and the entire party disembarks. Then comes the delightful task of unloading the boat. Time passes quickly as vacationers vie for one last look, wishing they could stay longer. Although a few may be deterred by bugs and sunburn, the vast majority of visitors consider this a fantastic experience and long to visit again. (Accounting for the insane overcrowding of late)

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