A Conversation for Life in the virtual world


Post 1


One assumes that some element of policing will be contained within the programming but also that some people will insist on hacking themselves some extra room. Maybe it'll be like trying to delete a *.swp file whilst the program using it is running. The only problem with relying on this sort of thing, ie a programmed set of rules is that someone has to program it and is almost duty-bound to leave some loopholes somewhere. With no physical body to constrain thing's won't be as simple as erecting a wall where someone isn't supposed to go. Some would say it's a violation of human rights to remove the ability to consder somethign as such, yet by blinding everybody to the concept they might neglect to do anything that infringes the rights of others. Hmm. I'm off for some food but shall be back on this one.

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