Bardonecchia - Italy

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Visited in Early Feb 2000

Industrial type town - one of the oldest Italian Ski Resorts - right on the border with France. Fairly good atmosphere. Shame about the Skiing.

The main area - Campo Smith - would be fairly good if they had more and regular snow, but when I went it was severely lacking. The best skiing is to be had on a separate mountatin - Jafferau - a short Bus ride up the Valley - you can't ski back to the bottom unless its been a particularly good Snow year even here though - its a matter of carry your skis on a fairly old Chair Lift until you get to the top and at the end of the day carry them down again.

They are holding part of the Winter Olympics in 2002 there - Snow Boarding I think. Not much for the Advanced Skiier to do - and good Intermediates could easily get bored too. Some good fast runs - Best & Longest is from the top of Jafferau, once you find this you'll be on it most of the time.

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