A Conversation for Bar Bacchus

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 61

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Fetid, you mean!?? Sordid!??

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 62

Uncle Heavy [sic]

no, the word is foetid. its got a dipthong.

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 63

Shea the Sarcastic

I hate those things ... always make you feel like you've got a wedgie ... smiley - tongueout

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 64

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Hahhahhaaa!!! smiley - tongueout

MMMM.... my hot chocolate is DELICIOUS in my RINGO mug!!! smiley - winkeye

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 65

Uncle Heavy [sic]


For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 66

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I have a RINGO mug, and I love it... and I made hot chocolate in it... YUMMY!!!


smiley - magic

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 67

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i pity you

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 68

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

WHAT!??/ ARggh... if you think all I am is a BEATLE-infatuated fool, you are wrong....

smiley - biggrin I'm infatuated with infatuation too, I'll have you know!!! smiley - winkeye

COME ON!!! YOU ***MUST*** have **SOMETHING** to *CELEBRATE!!!!!*!!!!!!

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 69

Shea the Sarcastic

I celebrate having the wonderful, enthusiastic smiley - magic Dragonfly in my life!!!

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 70

Uncle Heavy [sic]

hmm. perhaps my last post should have been 'i pity you smiley - tongueout '

I wasnt being serious. i'm just not naturally so...ebullient. Which you are. which is wonderful. yay!

omigod what have you *done* to me?

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 71

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - laugh

For love of the BEATLES!!!!!

Post 72

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - winkeye

::sings:: I put a spell on you....

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