A Conversation for Foxy Manor

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 21

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*pushes Will onto the sofa*
Right answer smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 22

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Do I get a special prize?smiley - winkeye
*Will fails miserably to persuade himself to get up and instead finds he has pulled Tweetie on top of him*
Ho hum

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 23

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Mmmm, a prize...
Now what could that be...
smiley - winkeye

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 24

Will Jenkins (Dead)

If I could just put my finger on it...there we are smiley - winkeye

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 25

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 26

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Maybe if I just moved my han...yes I can see the...mmmmm...I never knew you had a beauty spot there smiley - winkeye

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 27

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*Settles down with the lord's important papers, mostly insurance policies which have lapsed. Makes notes of things to be updated. Makes stack of papers which require the lord's signature*

Foxy Manor - Fireside Alcove...

Post 28

Fashion Cat

*hobbles in and lies down in front of the fire...*

out of interest, why did that girl leave so quickly in the kitchen?

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 29

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K lies down beside her thankful he didn't have to carry her, this time... smiley - winkeye *

* He begins fiddling which one of her jumper buttons with a pleading expression on his face...smiley - smiley *

Oh... probably knows best I suppose...smiley - winkeye

* As anxious moments pass... *

* He says absorbed in his task of button fiddling... *

Do you really love me ???

Lord M.K*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 30

Fashion Cat

*looks at the man lay before her. she wonders what must be going through his head to avoid answering the question she asked and ask another one instead...*

*she takes his hand in hers, and looks deep into his eyes. Gently and slowly she says...*

Do I really love you? Look where I am right now, the person lay beside me. Look at the only ring on my hands, on the left hand... What on earth made you ask in the first place my love?

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 31

Matthew Kershaw

* He wonders whether she wondered whether he was avoiding one question by asking another one, he further wonders whether she then didn't just do precisely the same thing... No wonder he is confused... smiley - bigeyes *

Sorry, I asked because wouldn't it be only right to 'celebrate' our love right her and now ? Knowing our love to be pure and true ? Surely the Gods wouldn't begrudge us that... smiley - winkeye

* He kisses her... *

* And again... *

* Ditto... *

* Infact, at the rate he is doing it its becoming quite a feature of the scene... smiley - winkeye *

Lord M.K*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 32

Fashion Cat

*wonders what her GOD is thinking as He looks down on her...*

*pulls back from him slightly...*

I'm sorry... I just think we should wait until our hearts are joined together in His eyes... *pulls her jumper back on* You do understand dont you...?

*she kisses him lightly, and a small tear runs down her cheek...*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 33

Matthew Kershaw

* Funnily enough, he couldn't care a monkeys what GOD thinks...smiley - bigeyes *

* ...and he sits morosely staring at the ground, pursed lips, trying to avoid her gaze *

Lord M.K*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 34

Fashion Cat

*tilts her head slightly...*

I'm sorry hon. Dont forget I'm an Archangel first and foremost though. Things have to be done properly... Its not easy being an immortal being down here on earth...

*sees the look on his face*

come here... *takes off his shirt, and kneels down behind him. gently she starts rubbing his back... leans forward and kisses him on the small of his neck*

it wont be long now... i promise.

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 35

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K finishes having his little tantrums and turns to her... *

Not long now, then...

* He somehow feels better... smiley - smiley *

Lord M.K*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 36

Fashion Cat

*leans forward and wraps her arms round his neck...*

*she whispers in his ear...*

and now. back to the servant girl... smiley - winkeye

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 37

Matthew Kershaw


* He groans...smiley - smiley *

Which one ??? smiley - bigeyes

Lord M.K*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 38

Fashion Cat

*wonders what the groan was for...*

erm, well the one we just passed on the way here, i cant think what her name is... BG or something... (smiley - winkeye) i mean i have to say i dont really talk much with them...

what do you mean which one? are you avoiding all the staff? *looks worried and twists the ring on her finger over and over again...*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 39

Matthew Kershaw

* He fliches... then flinches again...smiley - winkeye *

* Thankfully by the third flich... he has sufficiently mastered the self control needed to be able to stop such give away movements...smiley - bigeyes *

Ah... that one ??? smiley - smiley

Yes, what's her name... Hmmm...

'Tra La La...' Galaxy Babe !!!

Yes, that is it. Water... er what do you wish to know ?

Hmmm... I think I've been a little too 'friendly' with the staff...smiley - winkeye

I think some of them 'might' have a crush on me...

* He looks away and says... *

Well, it is my first time being in charge of people you know... smiley - smiley

Lord M.K*

Burning Desires by Fireside...

Post 40

Fashion Cat

*sees the flinching*

are you ok hon? everything alright?

What do I wish to know? nothing, apart from making sure you and I have nothing hidden between us... I mean if we got married, and then I found out something sinister... well...

but I'm sure you'd tell me... wouldnt you? smiley - winkeye

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