A Conversation for Congratulations Krissy Lee Baker!!
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*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
J'au-æmne Posted Aug 25, 2000
You have 6 parents between you? my! I only have one But I think she's easier to manage than a whole bunch...
*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
Demon Drawer Posted Aug 25, 2000
I have the bog standard two. But they've been great with all the recent evetns so I can't complain too much.
*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
Spaceboy Zoom Posted Aug 26, 2000
If you want, DD, I could ship you over my parents....
*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess Posted Aug 28, 2000
"It's always better to have too much than not enough."
-J.R. "Bob" Dobbs.
*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 28, 2000
That is true.
My dad has already started though. I think he may be the only jerky parent in the bunch, and I am going to try and convince him that he really doesn't want to be jerky about this.
*gets that hard glint in her eye*
*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess Posted Aug 28, 2000
Oohhh. Now THAT'S what I cal a glint! See the way it catches the light, the utter terror it drives into the souls of man...
*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 28, 2000
Hee hee.. smart girl. Even my father, the hard and towering lawyer, gets frightened when I look like that.
I'm hoping this look keeps him from making an ass out of me in front of my new in-laws.
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*in a voice made only the tiniest bit tinny from her bucket*
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