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In 2005, the British government publised a book for prospective British citizens and there was a citizen test.

One of the questions in this test may have been answered incorrectly by some of the older Brtish people of the time.

What or who is PG
A: One of the brand names for the national British drink, tea
B: A Personal Guide, a British-born mentor provided to each immigrant applying for nationality
C: Part of the cinema film classification system

The cinema classifaction system used to be U/A/AA/X
and was replaced by the new fangled U/PG/12/15/18

PG tips is a brand of tea. <tea> A61345. Their TV adverts featured chimps dressed up as people.

From 1955 to 1999 this brand of tea gave away tea cards with each packet of tea and later in packets of tea bags.

The cards were smaller than a playing card and there were different picture cards to collect in each set.

The subjects were varied including a set on flowers <rose>, wildlife <sheep> <blacksheep> <panda>, space <rocket> <planet> <ufo>, trees <xmastree>, birds <chick> <tit>, flags, transport <bus> and butterflies <bluebutterfly> <orangebutterfly> .

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