A Conversation for h2g2's Christmas Community Social
Santragenius V Started conversation Nov 6, 2000
Consider yourself very, very lucky
Had you planned this get2gether a week earlier, you would very probably found yourself facing a Viking invasion - at least a very small modern incarnation of one...
But I'm flying out of Stanstead on the 17th -- and I do believe my employer will need more explanation than I can cope with in order for me to hang around for 8 more days....
(not to mention my family)
Have a wonderful time!
Zak T Duck Posted Nov 6, 2000
Tell them you can't get out of the country due to bad weather. That'll work.
Santragenius V Posted Nov 7, 2000
Thanks for all the good suggestions -- tell me, do you really *want* the Vikings back to stir things up???
From the list of suggestions, I'd probably pick the weather one -- as mentioned, it isn't even half wrong as I understand it....
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