A Conversation for h2g2's Christmas Community Social
Swedish meet up
Titania (gone for lunch) Started conversation Sep 26, 2000
Anyone interested in a meet up in Stockholm?
Suggestion: December 16th
Perfect chance to do some last minute Christmas shopping, with special Christmas markets!
Still plenty of available rooms at city hotel where I work, meaning I can probably get double rooms for staff rate = 250 SEK/18 GBP/25 USD!
*thinking she should write an Article about it, and put up an ad at Noticeboard*
Swedish meet up
Abi Posted Sep 26, 2000
Good idea Titania, if you let me or Peta know we will put it on the Community Meet ups page with the others
Swedish meet up
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Sep 26, 2000
More info found here:
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Swedish meet up
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