A Conversation for H2G2's Musehome
Could I please be the muse of Rollerbladers?
Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD Started conversation Dec 21, 2001
I promise to follow you rules, and not fight,(Mom won't let me) with other muses, except for games. Mom will keep an eye on me, and help me put a link on my u page to the muse home.
Could I please be the muse of Rollerbladers?
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Posted Dec 22, 2001
YAY!!! It iwll take me a while to put you on the Roster due to holiday festivities, but until then, consider yourself an Honorary Muse... and do muse-y things...
The Musehome awaits!!!
Could I please be the muse of Rollerbladers?
Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD Posted Dec 23, 2001
Could I please be the muse of Rollerbladers?
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Posted Dec 23, 2001
No problem
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Could I please be the muse of Rollerbladers?
- 1: Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD (Dec 21, 2001)
- 2: Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde (Dec 22, 2001)
- 3: Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD (Dec 23, 2001)
- 4: Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde (Dec 23, 2001)
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