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Mirapuri is a small village, that is situated in the hills between the North-Italian Lakes Lago Maggiore and Lago di Orta. To reach there from the Lago Maggiore depart from Stresa (at the Banca Popolare) or Baveno and follow the signs to Gignese, then Sovazza, then Coiromonte.
Mirapuri was founded in August 15, 1978. It has a hotel - the Albergo Omnidiet, a guesthouse, the pizzeria-restaurant Riva del Tempo, a grocery store - the Mirapuri-Alimentari and the New Ranch with horses, chicken and donkeys, where camping is possible.
The landscape is dominated by ferns, brooms, sweet chestnut trees, heather, birches and herbs. The surrounding area is sparsely populated and invites to extensive walks. From the Monte del Falo (the Tremontagnette for the native people - 1081 m), a group of hills near the centre of the Mirapuri area (about 1 h march) one can have a great view at the lakes. On clear days one can even glimpse the lakes farther in the east and some distant mountain peaks that should belong to the mediterranean area. Easy to see, both from the outer Mirapuri area and from the tremontagnette are the Monte Rosa panorama and the Mottarone mountain. The view from the peak of the Mottarone goes even farther, as this is the highest point (1491 m) in the area. The Mottarone can be reached from Mirapuri by foot with a larger march and a lot of time, or by bike if the biker is skilled. You can also go there by cable railway from Stresa, the nearest city to Mirapuri at the Lago Maggiore. Some specialties of the area are goat‘s cheese, Grappa Mottarone (liquor) and sweet chestnut and heather honey.
Every ear in the first weekend of August, Mirapuri is the site of the independent Spirit of Woodstock Festival, a festival for free music, initiated by Michel Montecrossa in the year 1993.

The City of Peace and Future Man

Mirapuri is also the city of Peace and Future Man in Europe. As such it is the home of people who want to undertake some active steps towards peace, collaboration, union and the creation of a future worth living, and to give an example to the word that it is possible to live one‘s dream. The Mirapuri dream is expressed in the words of the French artist/philosopher/researcher of consciousness Mira Alfassa in a few sentences, called

„The Dream“

„There should be somewhere upon earth a place no nation could claim as its sole property, a place where all human beings of goodwill, sincere in their aspiration, could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the Supreme Truth; a place of peace, concord, harmony, where all the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer the causes of his sufferings and miseries, to surmount his weakness and ignorance, to triumph over his limitations and incapacities; a place where the needs of the spirit and the care for progress would get precedence over the satisfaction of desire and passion, the seeking for material pleasure and enjoyment. In this place, children would be able to grow and develop integrally without losing contact with their soul. Education would be given not with a view to passing examinations and getting certificates and posts but for enriching the existing faculties and bringing forth new ones. In this place titles and positions would be supplanted by opportunities to serve and organize. The needs of the body will be provided for equally in the case of each and everyone. In the general organization, intellectual, moral and spiritual superiority will find expression not in the enhancement of the pleasure and powers of life but in the increase of the duties and responsibilities. Artistic beauty in all forms, painting, sculpture, music, literature will be available equally to all, opportunity to share in the joys they give being limited solely by each one's capacities and not by social or financial positions. For in this ideal place money would be no more the sovereign lord. Individual value would have a greater importance than the value due to material wealth and social position. Work would not be there as a means for gaining one's livelihood, it would be the means whereby to express oneself, develop one's capacities and possibilities, while doing at the same time service to the whole group, which, on its side, would provide for each one's subsistence and for the field of his work. In brief, it would be a place where the relations among human beings, usually based almost exclusively upon competition and strife, would be replaced by relations of emulation for doing better, for collaboration, relations of real brotherhood.
The earth is certainly not ready to realize such an ideal, for mankind does not yet possess the necessary knowledge to understand and accept it nor the indispensable conscious force to execute it.
That is why I call it a dream.
Yet, this dream is on the way of becoming a reality. That is exactly what we are doing on a small scale, in proportion to our modest means. The achievement is indeed far from being perfect, it is progressive; little by little we advance towards our goal, which, we hope, one day we shall be able to hold before the world as a practical and effective means of coming out of the present chaos in order to be born into a more true, more harmonious new life.“

Life in Mirapuri

The idea of Mirapuri is based upon the works of Mira Alfassa, also known as The Mother and her co-researcher and companion Sri Aurobindo. The guiding line they created is to take up every movement and every part of the being, to put it in its right place and to expand one‘s capacities and possibilities steadily. As in this work the whole being is taken up, this is called the Integral Yoga, which is not a fixed set of exercises, but provides an all-comprising view on the human landscape, the manifold paths und the future development as well a hints on all questions of life, which itself is a bringing together of all facets of material existence with the so-called higher realms.
So life in Mirapuri is undogmatic. Everybody should strive to do some work that lets Mirapuri grow in a harmonious way. For this goal it is also necessary that everyone tries to become a more and more free, complete and individualized person who always tries to expand his limits and to go beyond them., who looks within sincerely to replace darkness by light, and light by greater light, always progressing and thus always remaining young.

The scheme

On the more material side the intended area of Mirapuri covers about 5 sqkm. The rough form is elliptic. For the centre a large meditation hall is designed. The area is divided into four quarters: The residential section, the industrial section, the cultural section and the international section. Inbetween in the outer regions are four much smaller sections, which are needed for the future infra-structure. The whole ensemble gives the impression of a flower.
In the outskirts of Mirapuri, in the Residential Section, Coiromonte is situated, a small village, which provides a kernel for the development of the residential section as well as points of contact with the native inhabitants.
Future plans for Mirapuri are for instance to put the industries, as far as they are needed, below the surface into the sides of the mountain, so nature can remain intact. For transportation services small-scale cable-cabin-railways are planned. In new constructions some stress will be put on a harmonious interaction with nature.
In the International Section earth‘s nations and cultures can build pavillons, as Mirapuri will also become a melting point for the merging into a global culture, which will be expressed in the cultural section.


For more information visit the official Mirapuri pages

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