The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri (NO), Italy

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The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is an international, independent music festival „For Freefeelin‘ Rock Ladies and Gents“, a „Festival creative with the mighty dream of Unity, Love and Freedom“, as the brochures put it. The festival was initiated by Michel Montecrossa in 1993 and since then is organized by the Omnidiet Hotel in Mirapuri/Italy.
It takes place every year in the beginning of August (Friday to Sunday) at the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri/Coiromonte in Northern Italy. Each year a wide variety of bands is presenting their music in a great atmosphere to an enthusiastic audience (the distance between the musicians and the audience is rather small). The music styles comprise Rock of every kind and colour, sometimes with hints of Pop (Folk, New Style Music, Hard Rock, Ecstasy Rock, Cosmic Rock, Heavy Metal, World Music...).
In the accompanying program we find „Beer fest, Grill party, Miss and Mister Rock‘n Roll Election...“ and the price for the tickets is very moderate.
The whole ensemble of the event creates a relaxed and dense atmosphere in which people always have a lot of fun.

Technical Aspects


Music starts in the afternoon in sessions of 15 to 30 Minutes per band/musician and finishes after midnight. Each band has one performance per day.


Mirapuri/Coiromonte is situated in the North-Italian province of Novara, in the hills between the lakes Lago Maggiore (nearest city Stresa) and and Lago d‘Orta (Armeno, Orta). Stresa can also be reached by train.


As during the Festival to Omnidiet Hotel and the Mirapuri Guesthouse are always filled to the rim, visitors should seek accomodation in the surrounding places (Stresa, Verbania, Baveno, Arona, Orta, Armeno, Omegna...) or plan a camping vacation.


More Infomation and a map: The official Spirit of Woodstock site

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