Popular Science Author List

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Listing of all authors in the A4166336

John D Barrow The Universe That Discovered Itself
Bill Bryson A Short History Of Nearly Everything
Clive Bromhall A4192805Summary
Robert Buderi A4266524Summary
Stephen Budiansky A4280311Summary
The Covenant Of The Wild
Jack Cohen The Science of Discworld
Charles Darwin The Origin Of Species
Richard Dawkins The Blind Watchmaker
A Devil's Chaplain (collected essays)
River Out Of Eden
The Selfish Gene
Daniel Dennett Brainchildren (essays)
Consciousness Explained
Darwin's Dangerous Idea
Freedom Evolves
Kinds of Minds
Jared Diamond Guns, Germs, and Steel
Stephen Drury A4263923Summary
Albert Einstein Relativity: The Special And General Theory
John Emsley A4267541Summary
Richard Feynman The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out
Martin Gardner Science Good, Bad and Bogus
Simon Garfield A4278288Summary
E H Gombrich Art And Illusion
J E Gordon The New Science of Strong Materials
Structures - or why things don't fall down
Stephen Jay Gould Wonderful Life
Gordon Grice The Red Hourglass - Lives of the Predators
Donald D Hoffman A4277865Summary
Steve Jones Almost Like A Whale
Y - The Descent Of Man
Edward J Larson Evolution : The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory
Steven Lavy - Artificial Life [The Quest for a New Creation]
John Mann Molecules at an Exhibition
Christopher McGowan The Raptor And The Lamb
Elaine Morgan The Descent Of The Child
The Descent of Woman
The Scars Of Evolution
Ronald M Nowak Walker's Mammals of the World
Roger Osborne The Floating Egg
John Allen Paulos Innumeracy
Roger Penrose The Emperor's New Mind
Stephen Pinker A4265336Summary
How The Mind Works
The Language Instinct
Words and Rules
Terry Pratchett The Science of Discworld
V S Ramachandran A Brief Tour Of Human Consciousness (not recommended)
The Emerging Mind (not recommended)
Phantoms In The Brain
Matt Ridley The Red Queen
Rudy Rucker The Fourth Dimension : A Guided Tour of the Higher Universe
Carl Sagan The Demon-Haunted World
The Dragons Of Eden
Pale Blue Dot
Michael Shermer Why People Believe Weird Things
Simon Singh Fermat's Enigma
P J Small The Study Of Landforms
Tom Standage The Victorian Internet
Ian Stewart The Science of Discworld
Roger Tabor The Wildlife Of The Domestic Cat
D'Arcy Thompson A4191392Summary
Colin Tudge The Day Before Yesterday

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