My Birth

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My Birth

It's dark, but warm. I can't see anything...

There is a sound, like a constant 'thump... thump...thump'.

I'm moving, its scary... where am I going? I can hear sounds all
mixed, and my head is being pulled somewhere, I'm really scared

I'm halfway out of the dark place, into a strange brightness. My eyes
are being wiped, I can see people all around me...

A strange man in green is pulling me even more; then 'plop', I'm out
into the world for the first time. All the sounds are getting louder

I can't say anything. My throat is full of some vile stuff, the man
is clearing my mouth...

What's he doing? I'm upside down, and he is hitting me. I'm happy to
be out of the dark place, I don't want to cry, but he won't stop
hitting my bottom...

I had better cry or he won't stop. There, I've cried, and they are
all smiling and cheering...

Oh! I'm back the right way, and in something warm, and being given to
someone in a bed, she is saying something, to me it's just noise...

There are two things; one she has put my mouth near, I must have to
suck on it. Yes, it's warm, and the stuff coming out is nice and

Ah, I can feel safe now, and the sounds around are soothing...

What's happening now? I'm being hit again this time on my back. What's
that sound that came from me? It has pleased them all, so it must be

Now where am I going? A small cot, why, ah, I'm being laid down, I'm
tired after all the new things I've seen, and heard, and felt, since I
left the dark place; the thing connecting me to the lady in the bed
has been cut, so I'll go to sleep...

My birth has been tiring for me and my new mother who will now take
care of me; and so it's time to sleep, tomorrow will be another day.

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