A Conversation for Links & such

Nice surprise

Post 1821


Hmm... Well at least that *sounds* better... smiley - tongueout

Nice surprise

Post 1822

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

I'm glad you think so...smiley - tongueout

Nice surprise

Post 1823


*wonders if she's much wiser now*

Nice surprise

Post 1824

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Will you come now with me?

Nice surprise

Post 1825


Where to?

Nice surprise

Post 1826

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

To the chamber of dreams....

Nice surprise

Post 1827



Nice surprise

Post 1828

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

*heads towards it*

Nice surprise

Post 1829


*follows slowly*

Nice surprise

Post 1830

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

*leads her to the chamber of dreams*

Nice surprise

Post 1831


*looks around*

Nice surprise

Post 1832

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Here the things you have seen will form coalescent patterns, and you may begin to understand some of what you now know....

Nice surprise

Post 1833



Nice surprise

Post 1834

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

I cannot guarantee how you will respond, or what you will understand...I only know that if any mortal can, then you are that mortal...

Nice surprise

Post 1835


PLEASE can someone explain what exactly is going here?

Nice surprise

Post 1836

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

(*sigh* You don't know just how difficult that would be...smiley - smiley...briefly, read a bit of Lovecraft and find out about the Great High Priest Cthulhu, who lies undead in R'lyeh, ceaselessly dreaming. Then, read the 1800 or so posts of backlog, and you should be just about up to speed...smiley - biggrin)

Nice surprise

Post 1837


(No, what really is going on is that both of us are insane and this forum is just a place to spread the insanity around so don't even try to understand - just act weird and you'll be fine... smiley - winkeye)


Nice surprise

Post 1838


Don't be embarassed i can act weird, it's fun, look!

*attempts to fly around the room six times before SUCEEDING and turning into a small green pile of rancid mustard*

Not quite the weird you meant, but a good example.

Nice surprise

Post 1839

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

*turns the pile of mustard simultaneously into 14 different things*

Look now not with your eyes but with your mind into the swirling morass of consciousness, and experience the true meaning of 'humanity'...

Nice surprise

Post 1840


*does as told*

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