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Starcraft help

Post 1


This subforum is severely underused, but I just realize... I might as well post here. Is anyone interested in SC2? Two years ago at Blizzcon I watched the D3 stuff with my virtual ticket, but was (as everyone else) super disappointed, but then stumbled across the SC2 tournament... and got back into the game that I had been playing on and off for the past 18 years. Since then I've been following it closely, a lot more than Diablo even this year. Since SC2 went free 2 play in November, the player base has exploded and is at its peak; the game has so many different modes (campaign, ladder, co-op, arcade), and the e-sports scene is arguably the best in the world. And I'm still shocked by what happened last weekend (for those who don't know: StarCraft has always been insanely big in Korea and is almost a "national sport" over there, thus Korea has always dominated the scene - but since Sunday for the first time in history there is a valid argument to make that the best player might actually not be from Korea right now).


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Starcraft help

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