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Alphabetical 'things that can fly'

Post 601


Hooded Crow (a new bird I saw!smiley - bigeyes)

Thanks cynthesis! smiley - biggrin The trip was great, one of the most amazing experiences of my life. If you like, I can post the full list of new birds I saw there.

smiley - peacedove

Alphabetical 'things that can fly'

Post 602


I is for Indian Pied Hornbill

Glad to hear that your trip was wonderful!smiley - hug

smiley - bigeyesOooh! That would be great!
I'm sure you saw some very different kinds of birds there!

Alphabetical 'things that can fly'

Post 603


Jackdaw (another new one since starting my life list)

17 confirmed new ones:
-Hooded Crow
-Laughing Dove
-Yellow-vented Bulbul
-White Wagtail
-Spur-winged Plover
-Pied Kingfisher
-White-breasted Kingfisher
-Palestine Sunbird
-Syrian Woodpecker
-Ring-necked Parakeets
-Red-breasted Flycatcher
-Brown-necked Raven
-Tristam's Grackle
-White-crowned Black Wheatear
-Coot (there's probably a more specific name, but that's all it said in the guide)

Plus there are some more that I'm not sure of-I *think* I *may* have seen them, but I'm not sure:

-Great Spotted Cuckoo
-Fan-tailed Raven
-Collared Dove

...and some others whose species I can't guess:

-some kind of tit, maybe Sombre
-a lark with a crest
-kestrels-maybe Lesser, maybe just Kestrel
-cranes-maybe white
-some finches
-a hawk
-a possible eagle
-lots of gulls

smiley - puff That's my longest post ever!

Alphabetical 'things that can fly'

Post 604


K is for King Rail

smiley - applauseThat was smiley - cool!smiley - ta
I always wanted to see a Bulbul. The Palestine Sunbird sounds interesting!
*giggles*You did very well for your first long post!

Alphabetical 'things that can fly'

Post 605


Laughing Dove

The Bulbuls were all over, often in small groups in trees. The Sunbirds were some of my favorites-they look a little like hummingbirds cos they're irridescent and have long, curved beaks, plus the ones I saw were feeding on flowers (one on cactus flowers!smiley - laugh). I really wanted to see a Hoopoe, and I think I may heve seen one a few times, but I'm not certain enough to add it to my life list. Another reason to go back soon! smiley - biggrin

Of course my longest post is about birds! smiley - laugh

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