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Can you think of a funny caption for this photo?

Post 1

The Groob

From the BBC 'magazine':


Me and the ewif looked at it for ages last night but couldn't think of anything. Well, we could think of things but they were carp and unfunny. EG:

If someone jumps on the other end of this I can escape over the wall.
No wonder we're an endangered species.
This is my nob.
etc etc ad nauseam

Can you think of a funny caption for this photo?

Post 2

The Groob

Well the shortlist of entries is up. Evidently they couldn't think of anything funny either smiley - winkeye

The one from Cambridge wasn't my, btw.

Can you think of a funny caption for this photo?

Post 3

The Groob

You notice how all the entries are from men? I wonder if making up captions is a 'bloke thing'. Come to think of it, I can't remember any female cartoonist of note. Dilbert, Far Side, Private Eye stuff is all by guys.

Can you think of a funny caption for this photo?

Post 4


That's only the shortlist though, there might have been thousands of entries from women. (but, women not being as funny as men, only men's entries got shortlisted)

Can you think of a funny caption for this photo?

Post 5

Nick_Em (not_him)

OOOOOOOOOhhh!!! That's harsh (and probably untrue). What evidence do you have to back up that claim? How can you measure how funny something is?

Ow! My spleen!

My caption would be "Proof that the balance of Panda Bears is off kilter"

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