A Conversation for Games Room

Deus Ex Machina collaborative story

Post 1

The Groob

Hey ho, another collaborative story thread! smiley - smiley

You keep getting into scrapes but every time you are saved by the grace of the good ol' deus ex machina. To kick off:

I took a short cut down the alley on my way home from work. I was a bit nervous to use the short cut because it was getting dark. Suddenly, from out of the shadows jumped a young assailant. He grabbed me round the throat and I thought I would be strangled. But fortunately, I suffer from a rare neck ailment that means my neck muscles produce a huge electric charge when my neck muscles are constricted. The assailant staggered back and ran off.

Deus Ex Machina collaborative story

Post 2

mrs wobbly bum

It had been a long stressful day in the office today and the attack made me decide to go down to "barnies" bar at the end off west street for a couple of cold beers.

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Deus Ex Machina collaborative story

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