A Conversation for Games Room

Over politically correct collaborative story

Post 1

The Groob

It was a night with a marked absence of any light (and I have no preference for either light or dark atmospheric conditions). I looked through my window and saw a man walking down the street (although I have seen both men and women walking down the street on various occasions).

I was shocked at what happened next...

Over politically correct collaborative story

Post 2

mrs wobbly bum

when from the distance a pair of headlights from an oncoming truck (not to state that trucks with two headlights are more or less efficient than trucks wit 4 or 6 headlights)are seen

Over politically correct collaborative story

Post 3


...and the driver (who was a man, but that is of no consequence since I know many a female truck driver, although I know the same number of male truck drivers) stopped the truck and asked me for directions to Bridge Street (although he could have just as easily asked me for directions to any other street or town in another country). As I told him the direction to Bridge Street, ...

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Over politically correct collaborative story

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