A Conversation for Games Room

Tune's for Katie Holmes' iPod

Post 1

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Seeing as Katie Holmes isn't aloud to make a noise while she's giving birth to Tom Cruises child, he's given her an iPod to take her mind of the pain. Our local radio station have been asking for suggestions for what she should have on there, some of the best so far have been

Shout by Tears for Fears
D.I.V.O.R.C.E by Tammy Wynette
Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles
Losing my Religion by REM

Do we have anymore suggestions for her
Mine is Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul and Mary

Tune's for Katie Holmes' iPod

Post 2

Nick_Em (not_him)

I think

"Don't dream it's over" By Crowded House (sort of ironic)

"Living La vie da loca" By Ricky Martin
(Living the crazy life)

Tune's for Katie Holmes' iPod

Post 3


Bo Diddley 'Hush Your Mouth'

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