A Conversation for Games Room

Garden path questions

Post 1

The Groob

Can you make up any (annoying) garden path questions? Here are some examples:

Person 1: That's odd
Person 2: What is?
Person 1: The number three

Person 1: Hey, you know what I've forgotten?
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I don't know, I've forgotten

Garden path questions

Post 2

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

1: Do you know what´s green, 2.5 metres long and vegetarian?
2: No. So what is it?
1: I don´t know either...

Garden path questions

Post 3


1: Why do Moroccan men slap their wives round the face when they come home.

2: I don't know.

3: Neither do they.

(before anyone yikes that on the grounds of racism - it was told me by a Moroccan man)

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