A Conversation for Games Room

One joke thread game

Post 1

The Groob

Let's see how many ways we can use the same joke. I'll start off. You'll get the picture when you see my example.

One joke thread game

Post 2

The Groob

The mushrooms I found in my garden this morning were delicious with breakfast. At least I hope they were mushrooms. How do you tell the difference between mushrooms and toa

One joke thread game

Post 3

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

toad stools dunno depends if elfs live under them.........

One joke thread game

Post 4

The Groob

I threw away all my medication this morning and so far I haven't noti

One joke thread game

Post 5

The Groob

THAT was supposed to be the type of joke in this thread, but nobody's bitten so I suppose I could change the theme to dyslexic jokes.

The dyslexic drug dealer was nicked for selling amphibians
ADIS. Don't die of dyslexia
The dyslexic rugby coach signed up Joanna Lumley
Dyslexics of the world untie!

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