Quaint Caress Beauty Shoppe

14 Conversations

in the

In a quiet part of a wonderful, sleepy village,
close by the theraputic sounds of the
natural waterfall, lies Honeysuckle Cottage,

Map of village

the home of Galaxy Babe where she combines
[some of] her skills to offer :-




Wings brushed and fluffed



Full-body massage

Head massage and halo polishing




With scented oils, let me soothe away
your troubles; aches and pains will disperse...
finishing with a temple massage
which can only be described as
"Heaven on Earth".




Quiet Corner

If you have problems which you wish
to talk over, then pop along to my
Quiet Corner, where, in total confidence,
{well I won't tell anybody}
you can unburden yourself to me,
a Qualified Councellor.

I may not have the answers to your questions
{like "what would I be doing now, if
I wasn't sat at my computer?"}, but I
can help by listening and allowing you to
share your thoughts.

I look forward to seeing you and offering my services.

Prices available on application.

Please note :

At any time, if GOD appears, His needs
take first priority and your
appointment would have to be

  • Thank you

  • Galaxy Babe Proprietor.

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