A Conversation for Marvin
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Researcher named for a cat Started conversation Jun 29, 2000
Does that refer to; "In general" or "for anyone at anytime".
This is an important question when declaring yourself "fun to be with", whether or not you are actually "plastic", or actually a "pal".
In fact there are very few species whereto it would make a difference as to your physical make-up when discussing the pleasure derived by any one of those species when in your company. "pal" would indicate that some pleasure has been encrued by being in direct contact with you by the individual making the statement, yet it seems to be you, yourself, who is making that statement and thereby proclaiming that you have been in pleasurable contact with yourself. This, we would hope, should be a truthful statement, as there are few who would not derive some pleasure from being in contact with themselves.
It is here that the question is asked.
The statement made by you is as follows and to reiterate "...who is fun to be with."
The word "is" followed by "fun to be with" seems to indicate that no matter what external anomalies may currently be affecting you, or any entities that currently occupy an area that can be influenced by you, those external entities will experience "fun" from being within that area influenced by your presence. Yet how can this be proven to be a truthful statement without prescribing a means of deriving evidence?
I.E. I have no doubt that close friends of a near species may, probably at your behest, describe you as being "fun to be with", however the multitude of germs, viruses, dust mites and other types of life forms that you as a plastic entity may have come in contact with may have a completely different view concerning their interaction
with you. Therefore, without specific statements by a minimum of 5 specific entities of each individual species of lifeforms that you have interacted with during the course of your existance, it therefore proves your statement to be "iffy" at best.
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