What to do if your planet gets unexpectedly blown up and you just don't happen to have your sub etha hitchhiking device

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Here is what i do when ever i need to hitch with out a sub-etha thumb. Panic. I then refer to the Guide and Don't Panic. I would get out my towel and lay on it. I would find a tv remote control or any other device that emmits infra red or some kind of radio/electromagnetic signals and beam it up (if it's a vogon ship which it is very likely to be) to the kitchens and hope to dear zarquon that the Dentrassi are in a good mood. They would then have to in turn access the ships teleport system and beam me up. They'll who you are because of your towel. It is advisable that you accquire somesort of firearm to ensure a relaxing trip on the vogon ship. Get off as soon as you can (Megabrantis, Barnard's Star) and purchase a decent Sub-Etha Thumb.

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