The Playground

1 Conversation

Welcome to the H2G2 playground. There're children of all ages, there's fun, and best of all, it never rains unless we want to have a guide-wide puddle fight.

There Have Been Some Delays...

Granted, it's a little barren right now, the contractors didn't show up when they were supposed to and we've only got the ghostly impressions of things. "This area reserved for merry-go-round" signs and so on. Eventually, you'll be able to actually, oh I dunno, PLAY in the sandbox and get butt-burn from the slide. Once I find someone to sell me a digital sandbox we'll be good to go. Ok, we'll probably need that slide too, and a chainlink fence to keep all the screaming children out. I'll set up somewhere for the juvenile adults to play, somewhere to put their children, somewhere for the adults to talk. Granted, I could've set this whole senario in a ticket queue but, as we all know, strange things happen in ticket queues, and besides, on a movie line you don't get to have little suzy dump a bucketfull of sand down your trousers.

About the Playground's Architect

My name's Triv,1   and I've been a Douglas Adams fan for more years than I can remember. I used to fall asleep at night to the sounds of the original radio plays until I went out and bought the cassette tapes of his readings of the trilogy of five. I fall asleep to that now...or Dirk...or Last Chance to See. There's just something about the cadence of DNA's voice that is utterly relaxing. It took me till...well, now, to get involved in H2G2, and for that I feel like an idiot. Still, I hope to spend some quality time here playing in your metaphorical sandbox until my real(ish) digital one is finished.

Things to Expect

Well, that's a tough one, because I don't want to post promises I can't keep. I'll be vague then--there will be different areas for people to congregate--a sandbox, a swingset, a slide, etc. each on their own page, probably, with (assuming I can rustle up enough interest) a chaperone looking after each and promoting conversation--a moderator who doesn't moderate, if you will. Apart from all these there will be (thanks to
Kumabear ) a designated time-out area for those who're a little too full of themselves.

That's all I'll say for now. Tune in next week...I'm hoping to have the slide up and running by Friday, but I'm not making any promises. :)

1No, not in real life silly.

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