Eating, Digestion, Etc.

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Eating, How To

Hello, this is an entry about eating, how to. This entry will teach you how to eat and the right sort of things to eat. To start of with, if you want to learn how to eat with your hands (uuk!) this is not the place for you. If you want to eat corn on the cob, phone 999 'cause there's no one going to help you here. If you want to learn how to drink, then this is definetly not the place for you. No, because my opinion drinking is one of the worst thing a living/non-living/living-dead can do. No matter what you drink, it's a sin. Instead this is a place for the civilised area of eating. Using a knife, spoon, fork, or god forbid, ladel, it really doesn't matter what you use but this entry will tell you how to eat and what.

Why Eat?

Eating is a vital part of our health and our lives. Without eating your system breaks down and can eventually lead to death. So as you can see, eating is quite important. There are lots of different things you can eat as well. Eating itself is a fairly easy process and all it involves is contracting some arm and throat muscles and a bit of digestion. As well as this plus in the easyness to eat there is also the benefit of the food actually tasting nice. Sometimes this is not the case, but in most times it is.

What You Need To Eat

You don't need many things to eat, but I will list the essentials. First of all you will need an arm, a body and a mouth/face/hole of some kind to actually eat the food. You will also need muscles to make your extremities work and in some cases, if you like to digest your food, you shall need a stomach. But personally I don't digest food that much nowadays, I just absorb it, but this is for skilled eaters, so I wouldn't attempt it at your level. You will also need some food to eat and some utensils to eat with and a bowl/casket/large hole/well/bucket to contain the food you're actually going to be eating. When you have the things listed above move onto the next section, what to eat.

What To Eat

There are various things someone may eat. These include, one of my personal favorites, human, chicken, beef, cat, horse, kitten, the list goes on. But the best things to eat, would be the most nutritious things. Every person has a recomended daily allowance (RDA) of a certain typo of food, or a certain typo of the things in the food. So don't get carried away folks!

Eating-The Process

Actually eating is an easy concept when you get used to it, but some people are just natural at the process. First before you eat anything you will need to stretch up and do various warm up actions, otherwise you stand a chance of straining a cheek muscle. After the stretching you need to sit down, because this can be a hard process. First you need to raise your hand towards the spoon/fork/knife/ladel and pick it up. It sounds easy, but it is actually quite hard. It involves various muscle contractions and retractions to move your arm, for five minutes, just practice picking up and putting down your spoon/fork/knife/ladel. After this practice try moving your utensil towards the bowl, or whatever you're using, and picking up some food and moving it towards the orophus which you are deciding to eat through, which, for this guides purpose, shall be called the mouth. Practice this movement for another five minutes and then you are ready for digestion.


Digestion is quite easy, easier than the process of getting the food to your mouth, and all you have to do is chew and swallow (which tastes quite nice with fresh german mustard) and your body should hopefully do the rest. If it doesn't, refer to your manual (if you would like a section on swallowing, please make a comment and I will edit this text). After swallowing, the food will move down your neck/tube and land in your stomach 1, of which it will be readily digested and after that, depending on your digestive system it will be broken down and made available to your body.

Well Done!

Well Done! You have now aquired the ability to eat. I hope you will use these methods in the future to give yourself a nice, long and prosperous life and take that away from your food. It was nice talking to you and bye!
1If you're not using one, then you have eaten, well done!

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