Compulsive Lying Disorder

2 Conversations


Compulsive Lying Disorder is an unfortunate condition which, when observed in a sufferer, can lead you to believe that maybe they weren't all that nice in the first place and why do you bother with them anyway?

Definition (informal)

The gist of it is that the sufferer cannot help but lie. They may not technically be what is known as a pathological liar, however - this is an extremely rare condition (about 3% of males, 1% of females) which means the sufferer cannot tell anything but a lie. Compulsive liars, on the other hand, simply lie too much for their own good. FAR too much.

Pseudologia Fantastica

A bizarre form of compulsive lying is pseudologica fantastica, in which the sufferer lives in a world composed of both fact and sometimes completely nonsensical fiction. They have absolutely no idea which is which, and cannot even keep track of their own stories. I can think of an example but I shall not name names for fear of libel.

Practical Advice

When confronted with a suspected compulsive liar:

(1) Run away. If this fails,
(2) Take note of what they say: what they've been doing that week, general gossip, their life story, et cetera.
(3) If possible, check this information with others who know the individual.
(4) Otherwise, watch for tell-tale contradictions in conversation with them.
(5) If your suspicions appear to be correct, do your best to avoid the person at all costs. Their company will ultimately be a negative influence on your sanity, if not your entire life.

How Do You Know All This?

I know what you're getting at. You mean to ask, "So are you a compulsive liar?" And of course, the answer to that question is "No." :)

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