Newcommers 2h2g2 starting 31st July 2000
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Here are the Newcomers to h2g2 who really started living from
Last week.
Do be friendly and say Hi and as the actress said to the Bishop
"Please be gentle", the list is here for you to use.
I asked for the newcomers list to be sent to me early this week, so
there are a less to visit. Back to normal next week. Hopefully it will be updated on Sundays from now on.
Some overlapped previous weeks newbies and I noticed
3 who activated their pages late, so I have been included them in a
heading of their own.
631 new pages of newcomers of which 110 have been activated
over the five days.
To help vist, without covering the same arear over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per
heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to
forum bellow to see which headings are free. Place you choice of
heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.
Thank You and Happy Posting
U146591 Salam Saberhagen
U146830 Seakrits
U146851 Ford's Evil Quarter Brother
1) Newcomers 1 to 10
U146867 The Japper
U146875 Starlord
U146879 Researcher 146879
U146884 Cyber Pagan
U146886 Wellspring
U146895 Granny Smith (Newton's Apple)
U146896 Booker_xx
U146902 Tentacle
U146904 vee_dub_you
U146912 Sweetman37
2) Newcomers 11 to 20
U146913 Mylock
U146930 Lodovico
U146931 Researcher 146931
U146938 Blowfish
U146944 Call Me Mertens
U146949 Researcher 146949
U146956 Researcher 146956
U146961 Smurfy
U146963 Glenn
U146967 Tweasel
3) Newcomers 21 to 30
U146979 Researcher 146979
U146984 highflying
U146993 Complete Frood
U146995 Researcher 146995
U146996 dirk_gently25
U147003 Idhan
U147022 cardio
U147025 Researcher 147025
U147032 RoiHenriIV
U147034 Onkwah of Blath
4) Newcomers 31 to 40
U147044 jdc
U147046 Kharis
U147055 The Jester in the Court of the Lizard King
U147058 Cactus Man
U147070 Sloane
U147086 Trillian
U147088 mr.gannja
U147090 Hypocrite
U147091 Researcher 147091
5) Newcomers 41 to 50
U147102 Franz Emil
U147109 Meridian
U147113 blue haired minx
U147117 Ford Edsel
U147128 Evil Minoova
U147136 Nettle
U147138 Researcher 147138
U147140 Researcher 147140
U147159 the bunny
U147160 Bish
6) Newcomers 51 to 60
U147167 Torgeir
U147178 Researcher 147178
U147187 Researcher 147187
U147196 Researcher 147196
U147197 Mindspring the Unau
U147203 goshoogoshoogosh
U147216 Week Ahead Boy
U147232 Researcher 147232
U147239 Researcher 147239
U147240 Researcher 147240
7) Newcomers 61 to 70
U147241 Diogenes the Rather Snarky Cat
U147242 WoMBaT
U147243 bath
U147252 The Krylma Leader
U147256 varda
U147264 the librarian
U147277 C_Loake
U147278 Kriss
U147287 Hot Mama
U147288 Mike
8) Newcomers 71 to 80
U147289 Petro
U147291 Zathras
U147300 Darth Trousers
U147314 Pieceofthe Universe
U147321 Stark
U147322 Danno
U147323 Researcher 147323
U147330 Resistor 147330
U147334 lunas
U147336 Researcher 147336
9) Newcomers 81 to 90
U147341 aakerlind
U147350 Balloo
U147353 Billy the Airmusician
U147354 Ellee
U147362 Satrughna
U147364 Highlander
U147367 Researcher 147367
U147376 SuLtiN
U147382 Philipius The Hermit
U147387 Vandal
10) Newcomers 91 to 100
U147399 Zontar
U147405 Researcher 147405
U147410 Researcher 147410
U147414 Zedd
U147419 Lennix
U147420 Rain Type 17
U147421 khyrand
U147423 amoradk
U147424 Researcher 147424
U147427 Sussi
11) Newcomers101 to 110
U147430 Blues Man
U147442 W1ll
U147458 HMS Coxeter
U147462 Mr Bardfast
U147464 Researcher 147464
U147465 Jo
U147468 Scooter
U147473 Draven
U147480 Spayce Angel
U147498 Spik