A Conversation for Yesterday

Flea Market: A409961 Yesterday

Post 1


Having enjoyed tremendous success in the field of lightbulb research, I decided to pursue this line further, as it was very enlightening. However, things happen, cheques bounce, planes arrive late, and the next thing you know, yesterday is gone and you're late.
Which brings me to my point. I'll be blunt. "Yesterday" is a subject that for too long has gone unaddressed at h2g2, and this article (Yesterday, A409961) tackles some of the dicey issues surrounding it. I've extended the professional courtesy of not detailing everything that happened to me yesterday: few would listen, less would care.
So, you merry few who read this, who by means of silicon, electricity and fibreoptics can have influence on the fate of the article "Yesterday", I beseech you to grab a cup of coffee and take the time to read the brief passage and refer others to it.
I don't want to wake in a cold sweat some night, saying "My 'Yesterday' article failed... it never made it to the edited guide... I'm washed up." Let's make it work.

A409961 Yesterday

Post 2

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

Considering how often the word "yesterday" is used in the Guide, there might be some use for an entry on it.

But the whole article was a bit too much "stream-of-consciousness" for my own taste.

A409961 Yesterday

Post 3


Well said - I wouldn't have thought my consciousness flowed in much more than a small brook, let alone a stream - but thanks.

Did you maybe like the bit about Aunt Hattie? Even a chuckle?

A409961 Yesterday

Post 4

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

I think Aunt Hattie needs her own entry.

A409961 Yesterday

Post 5


I enjoyed it and since it's necessary to comment on it, here goes. Of all the topics I've read, this is by far the most recent.
~S smiley - smiley

A409961 Yesterday

Post 6


Looks good to me. It could use, I suppose, the same things all guide entries usually need: more guideml tags, especially the ones that create the indented, italicized entries, and a couple of first-person references altered. I think it makes a contribution in an area that has long been neglected.

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Post 7

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