Writing a marching band show in 7 steps

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Step 1: Make sure that you have a rough idea of how many people are in the band. You should pay attention to how many people are in each section, as well as the pit and field percussion, and the guard.

Step 2: Be aware of any theme or important concept behind the show, if the band wants one. Choosing last year's acadamy award winners is probably a bad idea, because every year there hundreds of bands that decide that "Pirates of the Caribbean", or "The Colors of the Rainbow", would be a neat idea for a show.

Step 3: Purchase show-writing software. You don't have to, but it makes things a whole lot easier on your head and your hands.

Step 4: Make a show. Keep smooth transitions in between pages, and don't have people jumping from one page to the other in eight counts. You might kill them when it comes time to put your show to practical use.

Step 5: Send off your show, or alternatively, teach your show to the band.

Step 6: Sit back and watch the kudos roll in from writing a good show.

Step 7: Get paid.

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