A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm

In purdah

Post 21

Baron Grim


In purdah

Post 22

Baron Grim

Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljCQeqFouVU
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMCNltgrs1U

The relevant scene is in part 3, but of course, I'm getting an "unexpected error" trying to play it and can't link to the distinct scen by time elapsed.

Anyway, you know the scene.

In purdah

Post 23

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Yep, I remember that now. I figured it had to be either Monty Python or The Goodies smiley - biggrin

In purdah

Post 24

Baron Grim

Nice! I got the QotD from this thread. And I'm proud to see my intentional misspelling, "sprots" was intact.

Sprots is an in-joke that I'm sure is appreciated only by me. I adopted it from a running joke based on an accidental misspelling by a person called Apathasia. This was pre-h2g2...

This was nearly pre-interwebs.

This was on AOL..

1.0! smiley - bigeyes

In purdah

Post 25

logicus tracticus philosophicus

....honour of Andy Murray..would it console you if you were informed the title was for coming second the most times this century...was about to say you talking about avoiding the news I could not tell you who won the womens or the doubles and I live here and occasional catch the news..

In purdah

Post 26

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm a pillock.

Yesterday I twittered something about Mark Cavendish and used the hashtag #ManxMissile. Then I wondered what other people might be saying about him so I clicked on the tag... and found out the result of the next stage, the one I haven't yet seen, because I have to watch them a day late, you see. So I already know the result of the one I'm going to watch this evening.

Muppet smiley - facepalm

In purdah

Post 27

Baron Grim

I thought of you this morning while listening to "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" on NPR when they mentioned whazzizname smiley - borg winning Wimbledon in one of their questions.

In purdah

Post 28

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - biggrin

I still haven't watched it, btw. It's a bloody big file, plus there's a Tour de France stage to grab every day (for another week or so), and the first Ashes Test of the summer began on Wednesday so there's five highlights programmes of that, one each day, too. Once the cricket's out of the way after tomorrow I can speed up the tennis again smiley - biggrin

And then the cricket starts again on Thursday smiley - bigeyes

In purdah

Post 29


Have you seen this? An article from 1994, boasting that you'll be able to get Tour de France news the very same *day* it happens, because of a magical thing called the Internet!


I love the way they have to stress that it's not an April Fool. smiley - biggrin

In purdah

Post 30

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

"Connection to the VeloNews Tour de France "web page" as it is technically called, requires a computer, a modem and access to the Internet"

Oh my smiley - bigeyes

In purdah

Post 31

Baron Grim


Ah yes. Followed shortly by a BING! "You've got mail!"

In purdah

Post 32

Witty Moniker

smiley - bigeyes

Well, that takes me back. smiley - rofl

In purdah

Post 33


Aww, it does bring back memories, that noise.

smiley - fairy

In purdah

Post 34

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Remember in films where someone would come home to find their PC on, no screensaver or monitor on standby, and a little envelope with wings flying around the screen on a plain white background?

Bless smiley - bigeyes

In purdah

Post 35

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I finally managed to watch the game a few days ago. It was a bit of a parson's nose I thought. No, not parson's nose, what's that other thing... vicar's tea party. No, that ain't right either... curate's egg. It was a curate's egg - good in parts.

Well, that's not really fair because the proper meaning of a curate's egg is something that's essentially bad but with some redeeming features whereas the final was mostly good, and quite stunning in some [arts, but at times it got quite ragged. A lot of unforced errors. It was nice to see so many long rallies and so few aces.

One thing that perplexes me though. When did this practice of continually cutting to the box where the players' wives, boyfriends, husbands, girlfriends, hangers-on and coaches sit come about? At the end of a game I can understand, but after every damn point? smiley - huh These people really aren't that interesting - I want to see the players, their reactions, their body language and demeanour. In order of interest to the viewing public it goes like this:
Ballboys and ballgirls
Line judges
Players' S/O and coach

One other thing: Who the hell is that bloke? The one who always sits in the guest box, no matter who's playing. He looks like he's in his 60s or 70s, has a white goatee, and always wears a blazer with a Wimbledon membership badge, and a wide-brimmed hat that, to me, makes him look Australian. It feels like he's been at the tournament and sitting in the same seat for as long as I can remember, although I can remember Wimbledon when Rod Laver, John Newcombe, Billy Jean King, Ann Hayden-Jones and Pancho Gonzales were playing so that's probably not true, but you know what I mean.

Who is he?

In purdah

Post 36

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Aha! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T88dcWANP1Y

Like taking off tight shoes smiley - bigeyes

In purdah

Post 37

Sho - employed again!

they make comparisons about which (male) player's S/O is more "hot" smiley - facepalm

What I want to know is whatever happened to the "funny bits at Wimbledon" thing they used to do. I miss that.

In purdah

Post 38

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

So do I, and I really miss the old closing theme tune which they used to play every day, and then only on the first day and now not at all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA3TIvvqxQo Too old fashioned I expect. Not dynamic or exciting enough, no grinding guitars or hard beats smiley - rolleyes

Speaking of S/Os, there was one shot of Azarenka's boyfriend in the box, with his hipster glasses, hipster hair, hipster bumfluff, earphones around his neck and tablet in hand smiley - facepalm

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