A Conversation for Aye... well... mmm

a scout's work is never done....

Post 1


i started to post this in your fan club, then my reply became longer than i originally anticipated and i decided it didn't belong there. you asked >>Are you done with your entry btw broe? There's a Scout I know who'd like to recommend it<<

well, i had been reconsidering.... i was poking around the field researchers page yesterday. what i really had in mind was a bunch of articles on st. louis and tying them all together with one central overview and i've just discovered that's how a university project is laid out (i'd never looked into it before). i was doing it in reverse order tho, working on all the articles first so the primary one would have things to link to.

the problem with the university aspect is that i know i couldn't be done in 6 weeks, it would take me at least 6 months, especially since i only know of one other active researcher who's in st. louis that might be willing to help.

on the other hand, there are dozens of other things that could be included in a university project, and i could still link to the entries i have that are already edited smiley - smiley

sorry for the length, i was thinking this thru as i was typing, and after all that effort it seemed a shame to delete it all and just give you an answer smiley - tongueout

so! when are your picks due?

a scout's work is never done....

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Hello broe smiley - hug

My first picks as a Scout are due next Friday I've made one already, but my lips are sealed smiley - winkeye

You don't have to do a project in six weeks. I've started one about tornadoes, but I've asked for three months. You can also finish the project before sending it to the admissions office. I've seen a few that have been done that way. Then all they have to do is find a sub editor, although I think they prefer the writer/s to work with the sub ed.

I'm sure you could work around it smiley - biggrin

a scout's work is never done....

Post 3


well, i've finished, and i've decided to leave it in peer review. i wrote up a rough outline of what could be included in a university project, and i shall have quite enough to fill it up without pulling the slso entry.

so it's there if you want it. i've made a few changes, aside from the intro most of it was punctuation, spelling and layout. if you see anything that still requires attention let me know, but i will probably be offline until friday. i may try to log on for a short bit on wednesday night, but even when i plan to log on from home i rarely do. tonight's an exception because hubby installed our 'new' (read that 'new hand-me-down') computer and i had to re-install the printer and ms office, so i figured while i was on i'd re-install msn as well.

have a good week, and i hope you guys aren't melting down there smiley - winkeye

a scout's work is never done....

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - ok

I'll check it out tomorrow broe - my connection is even slower tonight than it has been since Friday smiley - cross I know the italics read Ask h2g2 so I've left a message there about it to see if there are any problems with the servers. And it's getting kinda late too... don't want to get up too late tomorrow - my Saturday morning smiley - biggrin

Have a good week smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

a scout's work is never done....

Post 5


hey, tomorrow's my saturday, too! unfortunately sunday doesn't come for three more day's tho. smiley - smiley

smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

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