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Most humans have, at the tips of both their feet, toes. These are small appendages, much like tiny arms, that stretch out from the end of the foot and delve confidentally forward, like mini scouts for an army.

Toes do many things, such as facilitate standing, assist locomotive actions (like walking), and generally help round out the shape of the foot into a foot-shaped form. They also protect themselves with small armor plating, called "toenails," to comply with toe-related defense strategies.

Some toes are curvy, and some are rather straight. Some can be used to pick up pencils, while others simply exist to give sock manufacturers something to do.

Toes come in all shapes and sizes.

The average human being has ten toes, with five being found on each foot. There are people with more or less toes (and more or less feet), but they are uncommon. It's more common to have people with ugly toes than those with not-ugly toes, mostly because humans generally find toes ugly, even though they're perfectly fine and more than capable of performing their toe-related duties.

Some people find toes sexy, and do rather perverse things with them.

Toes must be maintainted with attentive care, and washed regularly. No toes were harmed in the writing of this entry.

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