Superman Sansom Shorn

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Superman Samson lusted for his squeeze

Delicious Delilah with fragrant hair.

He sat her softly on muscular knees

And kissed her bosom surfacing bare.

“My darling Samson,” she murmured low

“To prove your love, you must confide all.

You crushed the Philis, smote many blows

Using a jawbone, tore doors from a wall,

What’s the source of such amazing power?”

Three times she asked, he told a white lie.

The Philis rushed in, could only glower

Samson broke his bonds and tossed them high.

You’d think he’d guess his woman was bought.

Was his brainbox stuffed with wooden blocks?

Was he crazily in love, so scarcely thought

But said “My power is in my uncut locks.”

He laid his shaggy head on her lap in sleep

The barber wielded his sharpest blade

The hair landed thick in tangled heaps

Samson awoke to find he’d been betrayed.

They bustled shorn Samson quickly away

The sound of Philis cheering rent the air.

He might have survived for many a day

If he’d worn a wig on his sacred hair.

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