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Vasectomy - emasculation of the male gender
aka having your knackers knackered.

Generally precedes the mid life crisis in WASP males. Also, and ironically (for our american audience there - it means "funnily enough"), generally causes their mid life crisis when there is a need to prove to themselves that they are still attractive and virile to the opposite sex at such a great age. Ah! Bless! Most will come to live with one out of two as a good success rate.

The reason for a voluntary vasectomy is the promise of care free sex whenever and whereever. This illusion is soon shattered for the willing recipient soon after the excrutiating pain of bollocks the size of jacket spuds has subsided. This is when the common ritual of sex on birthdays and new years day only, kicks in. The positive side of the vasectomy is that you produce no more wealth sucking leeches (aka kids) well not your's any way! Ever noticed that the milk man is always smiling!

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