A Conversation for PROD


Post 1


Right on!! Grandbohoo here -- Researcher 1,528,919 of the Male gender
number nine number 9 -- cool so are there really more than 1.5 million of us? or did you start at a million? I am a newbie to the Guide and yet well acquanted with Adam's works, life and everything.

My take on the PROD
I could not agree more with the thread proposed -- we must always remember the youth are the future of everything and must be interested or you will loss them --

Remember -- Everything you know is wrong! "Firesign Theater"
So write it down it might be right nothing is better left unsaid!
Procol Harem (In t'welled t'was I -- Side 2 Shine on Brightly album)


Post 2

LL Waz

Hey smiley - smiley, welcome to h2g2 then. Your details have been noted.

The polished version of PROD is in the Post this week at A4053412.

I don't know about the 1.5 million. h2g2 started at 1, but we seemed to leave chunks of numbers out every so often. I don't know why. And of course since the Single Sign On system for all the BBC's sites like this one not all the numbers necessarily relate to h2g2.

There are a lot of us though. And people who seem to have left suddenly reappear after two, three years so even dormant looking accounts may not be truly dormant.


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