A Conversation for Emily the Strange : A Pop Culture Phenomenon

A3959661 - Emily the Strange : A Pop Culture Phenomenon

Post 21


I think this definitely wants flea marketing - there's too much for a sub to do here but there wouldn't be too much work for someone who wants to pick it up.

smiley - panda

A3959661 - Emily the Strange : A Pop Culture Phenomenon

Post 22

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - sorry Silverfish

A3959661 - Emily the Strange : A Pop Culture Phenomenon

Post 23


Don't be sorry, it's just my opinion as both a scout and a sub smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

A3959661 - Emily the Strange : A Pop Culture Phenomenon

Post 24


I suspect GB is referring to her seconding of my original proposal to move to the flea market. If so, it's fine Galaxy Babe smiley - ok. It's good to have input from non-scouts, and in any case, I don't expect non-scouts to know the details of how scouting duties work.

I'm inclined to agree with you cyzaki. It's had some chance for people to recommend, and in any case I would feel more confortable with someone making the neccesary changes in peer review, and leaving the sub-editors to check the spelling, grammar, and things like that. I'll second a move to the flea market (as I already proposed in the first place).

A3959661 - Emily the Strange : A Pop Culture Phenomenon

Post 25

Skankyrich [?]

Added smiley - ok

A3959661 - Emily the Strange : A Pop Culture Phenomenon

Post 26


And retrieved smiley - winkeye

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