A Conversation for Smudger Snippets
Brilliant article smudger
AlsoRan80 Started conversation Nov 16, 2009
Thank you so much Smudger for that quite brilliant article. It is so true.
I have never had a "bad" trip in an ambulance, but certainly experience with people ignoring me in the wheelchair usedto be commonplace where I lived. !!
I can remember particularly when I was being wheeled out of Holy Mass, and my attendant would stop to chat to someone, who completely ignored me. I would just swan off by myself and go and talk to someone else who was more congenial.
I can assure you that being in a wheelchair is no great shakes when you go out. However, I know that it does the world of good for me because I take not one painkiller and I am never in pain because my poor arthritic ankylozsed hips are never stretched by having to do things that they can no longer do.
I hasten to add that when they wanted to do a double hip replacement in 2000 I refused as the orthopaedic surgeon informed me that with my high blood pressure I could have a stroke. I said that I would rather be in a wheelchair than have a strok.e!! That is why I consider myself so lucky as to have had a stroke last year which has not left me with any problems with movement = only memory loss.
Growing old is not for sissies. !!!!!
With much affection.
16,11.09 20.45 GMT
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Brilliant article smudger
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