Deutsche Telekom

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The "Deutsche Telekom" is the ex-monopoly telephone company of germany.

Some people tend to say that the only true change the company has undergone since the market was opend, consisted in the formation of a marketing division.
However this is not true, since the greeting of the telephon operators in the service center was also changed.

(from: "site #X" to:"Good Moring. You are connected to the service center of the deutsche telekom. My name is xxxx yyyyy. What can I do for you ?" - Please read out loud the new greeting two times and notice the tremendous progress the company has made in the field of customer relationship !)

If you ever come in the unfavourable situation of having to deal with this company be sure to internalize the following beforehand:

1. You have to be nice to the officials ! Not vice versa !
2. You are depending on your telephon ! They are not !
3. When fixing a target date, do it well in advance ! (4-6 weeks should be sufficient)
4. Trust your bill ! Anyway you don't have any other choice since counters (including counters rented from the telekom itself) are not accepted as basis of objections.

Have a nice day !

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