A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout

Re applying to be a scout again

Post 1

Dragantha the Golden Dragon .. , 1st Knight and Protector

i been away a while du to a accedent n all .
allot of recovery was needed and wasnt much online or not at all
sory that i couldnt inform ya all

but to get to the point.
can i re apply to be a scout again .
done it with allot of plessure so far and would like to continue with that as well. i noticed btw that i am still on the Specialists topic part .

Specialisation now is Would be Dragons , and related topics , Magick and related topics , Computers , networks , Internet , chat networks and programs , WoW and related games . well and a bunch of other things :P

anyways hope to hear from ya all back soon and hope i can start soon again as well .. as it looks now i am fully recoverd from the accednt ( well for as far as is possible .. still some perm damage but nothing serius or life threatening )



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