A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout


Post 1

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Hi there,

Not sure if I have enough PR experience to be considered for a Scouting post, but I do know what makes good reading.smiley - book

I will not be offended if you chase me - but give me a head start.smiley - run

smiley - mouse


Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*leaves some smiley - porkpiesmiley - crispssmiley - hotdog and smiley - oj for the waiting* smiley - biggrin

smiley - erm Did you remember the Hobnobs for Smij and Nats?.. Nowt like a good bribe smiley - winkeye

lil xx
smiley - magic


Post 3

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Ahhh bribery and corruption - if only I'd thought of it.smiley - winkeye

Guess I'm still too full of that Disneyland goodness smiley - angel to consider such things.

What do you think lil, have I been around long enough, or should I *unsub* now to avoid smiley - blush on the morra.smiley - run

smiley - mouse


Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*Hears a loud 'clunk' and a 'click'*

Sorry, you can't leave now! The door has been locked behind you.. smiley - rofl

You might be here for a while, I'm afraid smiley - erm Depends on when the Italics smiley - grovel decide to look out and scan from their tower smiley - winkeye

smiley - magic


Post 5

Fizzymouse- no place like home

I'm a smiley - mouse lil, I can wriggle out of almost anything.

Anyhow, I'm not in any hurry since I'm going nowhere anytime soon *touches wood* and I believe Christmas is coming smiley - santa so presumeably everything on site will s..l..o..w..d..o..w..n for a while.smiley - laugh

I had thought of applying to be an ACE, but the all round good egg business made me question my suitablitysmiley - steamsmiley - laugh

smiley - mouse


Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


I am always questioning my suitability too smiley - devilsmiley - angel

smiley - hug


Post 7

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - hug

You look like a pretty good egg from here lil - but then my glasses are on my head as usual so double vision is setting in.smiley - rofl

I've got to work tomorrow, so I'm off to smiley - zzz

Goodnight.smiley - hug

smiley - mouse


Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - tongueout See you tomorrow, love.. Good to have you back smiley - hug

Goodnight smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

lil xx
smiley - magic


Post 9

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - boing

Eds, if you have missed this, Fizzymouse would make a wonderful Scout.


Post 10

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Why thank you for the reference Rich smiley - hug

smiley - mouse


Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

Seconded, give her the badge.

You know you want her smiley - winkeye


Post 12

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - blush

smiley - ta Bel smiley - hug

smiley - mouse


Post 13

aka Bel - A87832164

I meant to post here ages ago, but forgot about it smiley - senior
I only remembered when Rich suggested you should apply for the scouts. smiley - silly


Post 14

Fizzymouse- no place like home

I'd forgotten about it myself until he mentioned it.smiley - seniorsmiley - rofl

cya later.smiley - run

smiley - mouse


Post 15

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

smiley - yikes It's a new year!

I think it was reading 'presumeably everything on site will s..l..o..w..d..o..w..n for a while.' that put me in a trance - apparently.

Well, one can't have too many scouts I always say - hope this gets the eds attention:

there, now time for a little nap smiley - zzz


Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Fizzy must be starving smiley - doh

Pleeeease let her scout about smiley - grovel

lil xx
smiley - magic


Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*nods in agreement*

*leaves smiley - cake for the smiley - mouse*


Post 18

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

(smiley - wow you feeling better GB? I was beginning to worrit)

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