A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout

Dancer (U126945) - Reinstatement req.

Post 1

Dancer (put your advert here)

This is my official mid January (sort-of) request to be reinstated as a scout.
Though, if you don't have room for enough scouts to include GB as well (Annie - who posted her request a few days ago), I can assure you that she's a much better choice.

smiley - hsif
Dancer (U126945)

Dancer (U126945) - Reinstatement req.

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Are you still keen, Dancer?

Dancer (U126945) - Reinstatement req.

Post 3

Dancer (put your advert here)

missed you (It's passover here - so I'm on holiday), but yes - very much so smiley - smiley

smiley - hsif

Dancer (U126945) - Reinstatement req.

Post 4

Dancer (put your advert here)

I guess you missed this too

smiley - hsif

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