A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout

Back from RL - reinstatement req.

Post 1

Dancer (put your advert here)

After a few years off h2g2, I'm back and am willing to be reinstated as a scout (read: please, please please - reinstate me as a scout. I'll be good, I promise).

I've been through PR since I came back and I see good, interesting entries are in abundance.
I've been commenting on threads(when I had anything half intelligent to say) and will of course continue to lurk PR even if there's no room for new(old) scouts right now.

smiley - hsif

Back from RL - reinstatement req.

Post 2


Hey Dancer!

It's great to see you back! smiley - smiley Hootoo does seem to have this very strange power to lure people back who thought they'd escaped from our clutches...!

We'll be adding some new Scouts round about the middle of January, so shout out again then and we'll sort you out. smiley - smiley


Back from RL - reinstatement req.

Post 3

Dancer (put your advert here)

will do smiley - smiley

smiley - hsif

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