A Conversation for How to Write Postings and Entries in Plain Text

A name contained an invalid character

Post 1


I've got the following message. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

Skin the head carefully. From the cut you made earlier to the corner of the mouth, peel the skin away from the base of the ears. At the base of the ears, feel for the auditory canal and cut it, leaving the muscle attached to the skull. Peel the rest of the skin away until you reach the eye sockets. Take care at this point. Using a scalpel, release the skin from around the sockets, leaving the eyelids on the carcass. At the mouth, cut close to the bone to release the lips. Leave the nose on the pelt by cutting deeply into the flesh around the nose.

A name contained an invalid character

Post 2


S'ok. Found it smiley - blush

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A name contained an invalid character

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