Jiu Jitsu

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Jiu Jitsu is a very effective form of martial arts. It is very hard to figure out how or where exactly it was started because there are so many many different forms of it, including Brizilian Ju Jitsu Nihon Jujutsu, and well, no one really spells it the same either. But none the less, it is certainly one of the deadliest forms of martial arts in existance.

The basic mindset of a Jiu Jitsu is 'kill or be killed.' One master described it best when he said "One touch and I have you." Jiu Jitsu is a strictly defensive martial art, and therefore you can only attack if you have been attacked first. But once you have been attacked, such as by a punch thrown, a kick, being stabbed, there is a lot of bone breaking, blood letting, and other sorts of bad things until the attacker is usually brought to the ground and finished off, usually by a blow to the head or groin area.

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