A Conversation for Ayn Rand and Objectivism.

A bit of fun...

Post 1

Jimi X

The Canadian rock band 'Rush' paid tribute to her writings by basing their famous album '2112' on her work in 'Anthem'. This song is the entire A-side of the album and really rocks!

They also wrote a short song called 'Anthem' which paid respect to Rand's work.

And not that it matters, both my daughters share the middle name 'Ayn'.

A bit of fun...

Post 2

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

I know! You told me at floor 42 once. That's very cool.

I need to get that album at some point.

By the way, what did you think of the article? It's been in the queue now for almost a month. Grrr...

A bit of fun...

Post 3

Jimi X

I liked it a lot! It's sure to be approved. In fact, I hope I get it because it'll be easy to do. I've got a real batch of stinkers this week...

smiley - winkeye

A bit of fun...

Post 4

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Thanks, sweetie! So, who's writing the stinkers? Gossip gossip....

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