A Conversation for Missed Question

Very Deep

Post 1


Displays the restrictions of consensus reality and rationality very well.

Very Deep

Post 2


i'm intrigued. would you care to explain further?

Very Deep

Post 3


Intrigued by what I said or the piece of writing?

Very Deep

Post 4


by what you said. i would love to be intrigued by the piece of writing, but being the author, that's a little hard for me smiley - smiley

Very Deep

Post 5


Ah? oh...ohhhh! Oops, you are the author...hehe.

I really liked what you wrote, and I'll further explain what I said about it now. Sorry about that, when I wrote the comment, I was in Info Tech class and had to write it quickly. What I meant was, you show the conflict between our human impulses, and what society tells us is right and wrong. And you accurately point out that the part of us programmed by society usually prevails (sadly true, yes).

Very Deep

Post 6


that explains the consensus reality bit - but i don't understand how rationality is in conflict with it: human impulses, certainly. but rationality?

Very Deep

Post 7


An impulse is never what society would call rational.

Very Deep

Post 8


ah yes, but the societal definition of rationality isn't necessarily actual rationality...

Very Deep

Post 9


True, but I'm not sure what to say nextsmiley - biggrin

Very Deep

Post 10


eh, i am smiley - biggrin

so, the reason i was intrigued by your statement is that i think consensus reality is constructed rationally, so rationality needn't necessarily conflict with it. what do you think of that?

Very Deep

Post 11


I think you make a lot of sense. Call it a day?

Keep in touch,

Very Deep

Post 12



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